Oversight Group
- Peter Khang – Health Lead and Club Executive (, 416.435-4812)
- Tony Ng – Communication Lead and Coaches Representative (, 647.642-5993)
Wildcats Covid-19 Protocols
- All individuals participating in club activities must complete the Ontario Volleyball Acknowledgment, Release, Indemnity
and Assumption of Risk regarding COVID-19 (COVID-19 Waiver). Failure to do so means that individual must not
participate in club activities:
Any individual participating in club activities is required to complete a COVID-19 Waiver, or have a signed COVID-19
Waiver on-file with Ontario Volleyball:
• Athletes
• Coaches
• Staff
• Board Members
• Volunteers - If an individual becomes unwell with symptoms of COVID-19, or if someone is aware of an individual that
becomes unwell with symptoms of COVID-19, that individual must immediately stop participation in club
• The individual should be isolated from all others in a well-ventilated area, or outside and provided with a nonmedical face mask if one is available
• The individual shall be sent home and instructed to follow public health guidelines regarding self-isolation and
• The facility should be informed in order to determine if any areas need to be closed off and/or require additional
• Peter Khang of the COVID-19 Oversight Group should be informed of the situation (cell 416-435-4812) and should
contact the individual or their parent/guardian to determine if next steps are being taken regarding testing - Any individual that is part of a club that has been tested for COVID-19 must not participate in club activities
while waiting for the results of the test:
• The club will consult the Session Participation tracking sheets to inform other club members who might have
been in close contact with the individual
• Any club members who were in close contact with the individual should not participate in club activities and
should follow public health guidelines until the diagnosis of COVID-19 is ruled out by health professionals - If an individual tests positive for COVID-19, they should inform a member of the club COVID-19 Oversight Group
• The COVID-19 Oversight Group will work where requested with the facility and public health officials to assist in
contact tracing. The Session Participation tracking sheets may be used to assist public health officials in informing other club members who may have been in close contact with the individual
• Any club members who were in close contact with the individual should not participate in club activities for 14
days and should follow public health guidelines regarding self-isolation and testing
• It is recommended to also inform all club members of a positive COVID-19 result within the club setting
• The club should inform and work with the facility in the case of a positive COVID-19 result and determine if any
additional cleaning/disinfecting should be performed as per the facility’s guidelines
• The club will inform Ontario Volleyball of a positive COVID-19 diagnosis by emailing - If no test was performed, or the COVID-19 test was negative, and no epidemiological link/exposure to a known case of
COVID 19 occurred in the past 14 days, the individual may only return to club activities once they are symptom free for a
minimum of 24 hours. - Following a positive COVID-19 test, an individual must follow all public health guidelines regarding return to activities.
- Based on the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, the club must be prepared to follow public health,
municipal/provincial government and sport recommendations regarding modifying/restricting/postponing or
canceling activities:
• Clubs should establish a program cancelation policy if one does not exist already
• Clubs members should be informed as soon as possible of any modifications/restrictions or cancelations
• Clubs must keep any modifications and restrictions in place until advised that it is safe to resume activities by
public health, government or sport officials/administrators - Club members should follow all public health guidelines regarding COVID-19. These may include:
• Any club members who themselves have travelled outside of Canada, or has someone in their household who
has travelled outside Canada must self-isolate and not participate in club activities for 14 days
• Any individual who has been exposed to someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 should self-isolate and is
not permitted to participate in club activities for 14 days
• Any individual with symptoms of COVID-19 is not permitted to take part in club activities
• Any individual who has someone in their household showing symptoms of COVID-19, should not participate in
club activities
Covid-19 Communication Plan
- The following communication plan will be followed for updated/changing Covid-19 information:
• All parents are responsible for ensuring their contact information in WhatsApp is kept current and accurate
• Information will be communicated by the Club through WhatsApp chat groups
• The Club’s communication/risk management representative will forward information on behalf of the Club to
registered participants via WhatsApp
• Families will be provided with Return to Play guidelines at the start of the season. Updates will be provided
when information changes
• Information with respect to COVID-19 can be found under the Health Management section of our club website at
• Peter Khang will be the contact between Public Health on behalf of the club. Before returning to activity, the participant must have followed all public
health guidelines
• All participants must use the health questionnaire prior to attending an activity and confirm their attendance
with the sign in sheet at the start of very practice. This will serve as our mode of contact tracing
• If it is determined that a club member has been tested for COVID-19, the communications rep will inform all club
members that may have been in close contact with that individual
• The Communications Rep will ensure the facility and Ontario Volleyball are informed if a club member is
diagnosed with COVID-19.
• The Health Lead will ensure the public health unit has been made aware of the member being tested positive for