Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Athlete Name *FirstLastParent Name *FirstLastContact Email *Agree (COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL) *YesNoThe following communications protocol will be in effect in case a player or parent wishes to address any concerns or issues: There will be a 48 hour cooling down period after tournaments and/or events where no communication will be allowed between the player/parent and any club official. First Level: 1. If after the cooling down period, concerns are still required, the concerns should be directed towards the Coach of the team. 2. Note, concerns regarding court/playing time cannot be escalated beyond this step. Second Level: 1. If concerns are not satisfactorily addressed at this step, the concerns can be addressed to the General Manager. 2. The General Manager in charge will then consult with the player’s Coach and also with the player/parent to determine the best course of action. Third Level: 1. If concerns are deemed not addressed in a satisfactory manner, the parent can request the General Manager to advise the President. 2. The President will determine if the concerns are reviewable. 3. If the President deems the concerns are reviewable, the President will consult separately with the player/parent, Coach and General Manager to determine the pertinent facts of the concern. 4. President’s decisions are final.Agree (PLAYING TIME) *YesNoThe Wildcats Volleyball Club is a competitive volleyball club, providing an environment for players to compete in the sport of volleyball. The success of the team’s season is determined by the criteria set forth by the players and coach, at the beginning of the year. Some teams will be “High Performance” focused, as an example, top 3 placement in Ontario. While others will be more “Competitive” focused, as an example, Trillium Division start to Championship Division finish. The OVA season comprises of 4 tournaments and the Ontario Championships. During the season, the playing time becomes a critical topic for parents and players. It is through the goals of the team which the coach balances PT for the athletes. The High Performance (non equal PT) vs Competitive (equal PT). The playing time is the sole discretion of the coach. PT is a privilege/reward for hard work/players ability to contribute to the team success. It is important the players/parents understand PT is NOT a right/fairness of equal court time but earned based on their contribution toward the team. For OVA Tournaments and Ontario Championships, as a general rule, but upon the discretion of the coach: 1. 1st and 2nd OVA tournaments will incorporate a “Fair Play” rule in pool round robin. The playoffs playing time will be determined by the coach. 2. 3rd and 4th OVA tournaments are used to prep for the Ontario Championships where playing time will be determined by the coach. 3. Non OVA Tournaments to prep for the Ontario Championship, playing time is determined by the coach. 4. Ontario Championships playing time is determined by the coach Age up and US Tournaments prior to Ontario Championships is NOT upon the discretion of the coach: 1. “Fair Play” rule for pool round robin 2. “Fair Play” rule for playoff playing Agree (ATTENDANCE POLICY) *YesNoAll players are expected to attend practices. Circumstances do arise for players to miss practices; the player must contact and receive the Coach’s approval prior to the practice. A “reasonable” amount of missed practices due to unforeseen emergency circumstances can be expected at the discretion of the coach. However, athletes are expected to manage their time and plan accordingly within the volleyball season. As an example, schoolwork or appointments or any similar time management events will adversely affect the players eligibility for tournaments. It is within the Coaches discretion to establish the limit of “missed” practices, to determine a player’s exemption/eligibility of pending tournaments. Agree (PLAYERS CODE OF CONDUCT) *YesNo1. Players will respect the game. 2. Players will respect opponents and play fair. 3. Players will not fight or attempt to injure anyone on purpose. 4. Players will respect all coaches, trainers, managers and the medical professionals in regard to decisions made to protect the safety and health of the athlete. 5. Players shall be suspended from the team by the Coach/President of the Wildcats, in violation of team policy: a) Team curfew, usage of alcohol and tobacco. b) Any activities deemed by the Coach or President of the Wildcats Volleyball Club, to be detrimental and unbecoming as a Wildcats Volleyball Club. c) If a player is deemed in violation of these polices: i. Player will be suspended from the team. ii. If the player is on a trip away, the coach will determine: • Suspended player for the duration of the trip but will not be in uniform for matches and support the team as a spectator or • Suspended player will be sent home immediately at the cost of the family Agree (PARENTS DUTY POLICY) *YesNoAn important element for the enjoyment and success of any season is the wonderful support and help from the team’s parents. The best system from previous seasons, indicate a Team Coordinator (TM) to plan, organize and delegate tasks within the team. The Head Coach with the General Manager will advise the TM of the various tasks required for the season. The TM will assign various representatives for those tasks. The representative will organize and assign parents to the task. It is the responsibility of the parent to find replacements if they cannot fulfill their duties. If a parent is missing their duties, the protocol will be a warning issued by the Wildcats VC. If the duties are still being missed, a reasonable fine will be administered for the team fund.Agree (PARENTS CODE OF CONDUCT) *YesNo1. Parents are prohibited inside the gym, but are encouraged to watch from the viewing area during team practices. For safety and insurance reasons, only coaches/staff are permitted inside the gym. 2. If the player is unable to attend a practice or tournament or function, the parent or player must give reasonable advance notice to the coach. 3. Parents are encouraged to support the team in a positive manner. We ask parents to cheer our team, but in a respectful manner to all. We ask all parents to refrain from making any comments to the opposing team’s parents/player/coach and especially to the officials. 4. To keep consistency within the team system and performance, parents are asked to refrain from instructing the player’s skills technique or strategy within the team. The parents are welcomed to discuss their observations with the coach but sideline parent coaching is discouraged within the team. 5. Positive laughter and smiles are encouraged within the club; let’s make it a positive experience. 6. Communication is encouraged; please speak to the Team Coordinator or the Coach. Agree (WILDCATS WAIVER 1&2) *YesNo1. This is a binding legal agreement. As a Participant in the sport of volleyball and the programs, activities and events of the Wildcats Volleyball Club (WVC), the undersigned acknowledges and agrees to the following terms: Disclaimer 2. The WVC and its directors, officers, committee members, members, employees, volunteers, participants, agents and representatives (collectively the “Organization”) are not responsible for any injury, personal injury, damage, property damage, expense, loss of income or loss of any kind suffered by a Participant during, or as a result of, any program, activity or event, caused in any manner whatsoever including, but not limited to, the negligence of the OrganizationAgree (WILDCATS WAIVER 3&4) *YesNoDescription of Risks 3. I am participating voluntarily in the sport of volleyball and the actives, events and programs of the Organization. In consideration of my participation in the sport of volleyball and the programs, activities and events of the Organization, I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of the risks, dangers and hazards associated with or related to the sport of volleyball and any such programs, activities and events of the Organization including injuries which can be severe and even fatal. The risks, dangers and hazards include, but are not limited to, injuries from: a) Exerting and stretching various muscle groups, strenuous cardiovascular workouts and heatstroke; b) Vigorous physical exertion, rapid movements and quick turns and stops; c) Falling, tumbling or hitting other participants; d) Falling to the ground or floor due to uneven, slippery or irregular surfaces; e) Contact, colliding or being struck by the volleyball, net, poles, other individuals, equipment, walls, stands, or benches; f) Failing to play within one’s abilities and within designated areas; g) Failure to properly use any piece of equipment or from the mechanical failure of any piece of equipment; h) Animal attacks; including but not limited to, dogs; i) Extreme weather conditions which may result in heatstroke, sunstroke or lightning strikes; j) Spinal cord injuries which may render me permanently paralyzed; or k) Travel to and from competitive events and associated non-competitive events which are an integral part of the Organization’s activities. 4. Furthermore, I am aware: a) That injuries sustained can be severe; b) That I may experience anxiety while challenging myself during the activities, events and programs; c) That my risk of injury is reduced if I follow all rules established for participation; and d) That my risk of injury increases as I become fatigued.Agree (WILDCATS WAIVER 5) *YesNoRelease of Liability 5. In consideration of the Organization allowing me to participate, I agree: a) That my physical condition has been verified to participant in the activities, events and programs by a medical doctor within the past twelve months; b) To assume all risks arising out of, associated with or related to my participation; c) To waive any and all claims that I may have now or in the future against the Organization; d) To freely accept and fully assume all such risks and possibility of personal injury, death, property damage, expense and related loss, including loss of income, resulting from my participation in the sport of volleyball and the activities, events and programs of the Organization; and e) To forever release the Organization from any and all liability for any and all claims, demands, actions and costs that might arise out of my participation in the activities, events and programs of the Organization, due to any cause whatsoever, even though such risks, injuries, loss, damage, claims, demands, actions or costs may have been caused by the negligence or breach of any duty of care of the Organization. The WVC may take photographs of my child for usage in Wildcats Volleyball publications, the Club website, and social media for promotional purposes. I am also aware that I may withdraw consent for taking photographs of my child at any time by contacting the WVC. Agree (ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) *YesNoAcknowledgement By clicking “SUBMIT” below, you agree to execute this agreement voluntarily and to be bound by this Legal Agreement, and this Agreement is binding upon yourself, your heirs, executors, administrators and representatives even if you have not read the Agreement.Agreement Date *Captcha * = Submit